Scumbag Philosopher - God Is Dead So I Listen To Radiohead

В този лежерен петъчен следобед, не се сещам за нищо по-добро от това да пусна някоя тотална идиотщина, каквато е и долната. Получих писмо от Адам от Scumbag Philosopher, което вероятно заради частицата "scum" е отишло в спам папката, където намерих и пратени още 2 неща за ревюиране от музиканти, които творят през 9 планини в 10. Тези случаи винаги ме изпълват с объркване и радост едновременно, но щом хората са се сетили за мен е редно и аз да ги уважа.
Всъщност ето кво ми е писал този мил човек Адам:

"Hi Geri,

* няколко думи и линк към новия сингъл, който излиза на 6.10 и който няма да ви дам... засега.*

There's also a crazed companion video featuring lame spoofs of Radiohead vids (ever wondered how Thom does that singing in water thing), drunken clergy and a Benny Hill chase sequence.

The single's called 'God Is Dead So I Listen To Radiohead' and it's taken from our debut album 'It Means Nothing So It Means Nothing' which is released a little bit later in the summer.

Here are some live dates.

Wed 1st June - KOKO, London (with The Fall)
Fri 3rd June - MOHO Live, Manchester (with The Fall)
Sat 11th June - Glade Festival
Sat 2nd July - Manchester Roadhouse

'God Is Dead So I Listen To Radiohead' is about a certain kind of suburban Nietzsche freak who attaches themselves to certain introspective musicians and to certain philosophers - or rather to their more well-known quotes.

In the 70s that musician would have been Bowie - these days it's Radiohead.

So the song contains lines likeЉ

"I've got a will to power, that's why I don't shower."

"I live with my mum in a chalet bungalow and I've read half of Ecce homo."

But mainly it's shouting "'God Is Dead So I Listen To Radiohead".

The song was first released a couple of years ago on a limited edition 7І
single and was a gen-u-ine indie hit in Italy and Spain.

Btw, some members of Scumbag Philosopher think Radiohead are great and the others think that they're doggy-do.

Видеото е дебилно, но не мога да си обясня защо го гледам за 5-и път.


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