Онзи ден батко Били Корган е обявил, че записите за новия албум вече са започнали, и още някои други интересни неща. Recording began yesterday, September 15th, 2009 on the new record which will be entitled ' Teargarden by Kaleidyscope'. The album will feature 44 songs, 4 of which are now being recorded. My desire is to release a song at a time beginning around Halloween of this year, with each new release coming shortly after until all 44 are out. Браво, браво, винаги са били свръхпродуктивна група, ама 44 песни в албум е малко прекалено за мен. Не че няма да им се израдвам де, Тиквите са ми може би най-любимата група евър. Each song will be made available absolutely for free, to anyone anywhere. There will be no strings attached. Free will mean free, which means you won't have to sign up for anything, give an email address, or jump through a hoop. You will be able to go and take the song or songs as you wish, as many times as you wish. А това е просто... <3 Л...